Tomorrow morning I have minor foot surgery. At 7am I shall be checking in, at 8am I shall be under light anaesthetic.
At 6am I shall be the most miserable soul on the planet. I am so not even close to being an early-morning person.
The surgery is super light -quick removal of a pin. I am very proud of my 2 titanium (how Iron Man is that??) pins that held my foot together for the past 9 years. It makes me feel somewhat robotic and stuff. Sadly I shall be losing one of the said pins as it's pressing on a nerve, and that hurts.
I am used to surgery of all kinds, but will never get used to the aftermath - in this case that will be the wearing of a shoe-boot. Better than a cast and crutches, I know I know. Still. It's bloody ugly. Sulk.
Hopefully the surgery will not keep me immobile longer than a day. Fingers crossed...