I swear it's worse than watching paint dry.
Every day I stare at it and hope it's grown a millimetre. Half a millimetre would be fine too. Nothing. It is 3 months old and a midget. It lives in the most beautiful home, with plenty to eat and drink and buckets of natural daylight. It started so well. One of 6, the only one to break out of its shell.
What is it that is driving me slowly but surely crazy...? A bonsai tree. If you're impatient like me, growing a tree from seed is a bad idea. If you're OCD (mainly the obsessive part) too, forget it.
The word "Bon" means "tray" and "Sai" means "growing" or "planting". Therefore, the two words put together give you the translation of "tray growing" or "tray planting". When you say the word, "Bonsai" to people, they usually think of a type of tree. However, this art form is actually a way of growing many different species of plants and trees.
I have no clue what kind of tree I have planted. I bought the seeds in Amsterdam -there were 6 in the pack and only 1 took (
and no I did not smuggle them into the country in an illegal manner, Father Christmas brought them with him whilst delivering presents).

The tree (there's optimism for you) lives under a beautiful glass cloche -far prettier than a plastic seedling tray- and is misted regularly and turned daily. She seems to have got stuck at the same height of 1 inch for the past couple of months. I know bonsai trees take years to mature, but this is ridiculous. Perhaps she is waiting for spring and was just taking a rest during the winter. I tell you what though, if she doesn't do something in the next few weeks she will be homeless -replaced by a geranium!