
We love the idea that buying one pair of Toms means that a child in need also gets a pair. 

Surely there is no better reason to buy a pair of zapatos.
Birthday Party 2: Rodri turns 10!

Birthday Weekend...Party 1...

If you're looking for a shoe that is soft, comfortable, yet excellent for toddling around in....TTJ is the place to look.

Mateo has a pair that I fell upon whilst browsing Little Fashion Gallery. Designed by a Brazilian daddy fed up of trying to squeeze his little girl's feet into shoes that had hard backs to them, he designed a soft shoe with an elasticated back. PERFECT. No more struggling to wedge stubborn little feet into shoes, trying not to dislocate my son's leg from hip socket (or maybe that's just me).

I chose a mouse/grey coloured pair - they're neutral and go with everything. We loves. Time to stock up on you'll see from the bottom photo, the shoes are very well loved!

Mateo and the Giraffe

This tooth fairy pillow makes me want to pull all my teeth out right now.

Mateo's 1st Birthday Party

Celebration #2 - Fiesta de Lucha Libre!