these are so beautiful, the photos, the styling, the elegance and the clothing. the best part is, if you hanker after the bygone days of such stuff, these looks can be recreated today without looking like you're playing dress up. i speak to those over the age of 30 who find themselves mute and revolted in stores such as A&F and Bebe (ok i speak to myself).

if you look closely at the clothing, you can find similar styles in places from Banana Republic at one end of the scale to MaxMara at the other. ok, not the furry stuff, but you can find those in vintage stores, ebay or go to a furrier. for those of you who would rather go naked than wear fur, there's always faux.

the key factors to looking this elegant are

i) always wear good quality fabrics.
ii) if you can afford cashmere you won't regret it - shop online for discount cashmere stores but watch for the ply quality and go for the highest you can afford.
iii) keep your look simple and streamlined.
iv) your hairstyle can make or break the look - as can your shoes.
v) a fine piece of costume jewellery - antique estate rather than bling or plastic - can lift an outfit. a brooch, a bracelet, a necklace.
vi) gloves. driving, wrist-length, mid-forearm, elbow length - again watch for the fabric, stick to leather and suede (avoid synthetics) and keep them fitted.
vii) a little bit of fur on a stark black evening gown. divine.

if your clothes are of a good quality fabric and they are tailored to fit your body properly, it doesn't matter if you're a size 0 or a size 10, you will look stunning. invest in a tailor, it's worth every penny.

with this red dress, it's all about the hair and makeup. simplicity equals beauty.

images from here