going to hell with a first-class ticket
okay, so i took a peek at the bright young things website to see their photos of FW's 1st anniversary party. yes it was a long time ago all things considered, but as nobody reads this blog, i so don't care.
i had read numerous reviews on how amazing the dc folk looked - even the sartorialist, scott schuman - commented on how well-dressed this fine city's peeps were. so i had to look. it was la classe!
the cheap tshirt underneath an even cheaper cotton strapless dress from a pound store. worn with plastic pearls that don't even go all the way around. i bet you live in virginia.
i know that faux fur is the dernier cri (for poor people and vegans) but there's faux and there's this. cheap nasty synthetic kind of faux fur. even my cat would balk on being asked to wear this.
it was a drinks party, not a wedding from 1983. i bet she wore them with her work pumps. she definitely lives in virginia or on cap hill.
to the lady on the right: opaque tights.
to both of you: your shoes shouldn't be lighter than your stockings unless your entire outfit costs more than $500. no, make that unless your shoes cost more than $500.