The World of Flor

You'll often hear French Bulldogs described as 'gregarious' or 'friendly', which is usually a polite euphamism for 'they're sort of slutty and will ditch you for the first person to offer them a scratch on the head'. So true. Tart.

Did you ever wonder why stubborn people are referred to as 'bull headed'? Implacably stubborn, always determined to get their own way, and a challenge to obedience train, Frenchies prefer things be done their way, or not at all. Flor is the queen of manipulation and cunning. When she really doesn't get her way she will sulk (with the occasional pissy grunt thrown in in case you've forgotten that she's there, still sulking, 10 mins later).

You know that rare oriental carpet that you're so attached to? Well, your Frenchie just peed on it. Oh, is that a toy under the table? No it's a pooh. One of the most incredibly difficult breeds to housebreak. Goodbye carpeting, hello wooden floors (and Cesar Millan's odor destroyer spray now purchased by the gallon).

The advice: Accidents WILL happen. If you catch her right in the midst of the act rush her outside.
What happens in real life when I follow the advice: Trail pee all around the house as you dash with puppy in your hands with arms outstretched trying desperately to avoid pee ending up on your head, clothes, feet - and by the time you get outside, the peeing is over and the puppy is wondering what the hell just happened, and why your hair is wet.

You're getting ready for bed, and suddenly you hear it - Is it an animal caught in a trap? Someone/thing choking to death? WTF is that horrific screeching/screaming sound? It's just Flor, expressing her opinion about being put to bed earlier than she thought fair. It's called the Frenchie death yodel. Nice.

They said: Watchdog - Somewhat. Will bark at perceived dangers. Dangers? Oh, you mean the flowerpot that fell on her head after she headbutted it to get to the plants inside it. Or even the can of mosquito spray that fell over and made a little tinkling sound when it landed. Or the leaf that blew past her nose a little too quickly for her liking.

They also said: Energy level is Moderate. Low impact dog. Enough energy to act silly, play a bit, take a walk and curl up on his owners lap. LIE LIE LIE. Flor is the most active little s*** on the planet. Nothing wears her out except for obedience training when her poor little brain is exhausted after 10 mins of Sit, Sit, SIT, Staay, Staaaaaaaaaaaaaay, STAY SIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTT NOOOOOOOOOOOW. Otherwise she will run/skid/tumble for 30 mins, walk fast continually for an hour, sit for 20 seconds, roll on a dead mouse, then start all over again. And low impact? More like ability to crack my skull open with one small misplaced butt of the head.