Introducing Flor

puppy training is hard work; even harder when the pupil is stubborn, small, has no worthwhile attention span and can pull a sad face that encourages pity 99.9% of the time. she is named Flor and is a French Bulldog puppy. we've had her 8 weeks now and she is almost 5 months old. the serious training started last night with a nice and patient chap called David, from the training sounded good - it comes with a lifetime guarantee (!) and promises visible changes almost immediately. in summary, i get to behave like a dog, think like a dog and assert myself as pack leader. perfect. it's harder than it sounds and i did feel rather idiotic making bark noises. it does the trick though. at one point, Flor was allowing herself to be pulled around the room on her leash by Chiquitin who was merciless in his baiting skills. Chiquitin is a 4 month old tabby kitten with no fear and apparently no brains either. i even have a chart on which to record our daily progress. we shall see if the changes stick longterm; i sincerely hope so as there's only so much barking i am happy to do in public.