An assortment of food, painting, baking, eating, drawing, a few cats, a puppy and a baby thrown in there too.
Springtime Saturday
It is a balmy 64 degs today in DC. It is like summer time in England..! The garden is coming along by herself but could probably do with a little helping hand from yours truly this weekend.
The birds are chirping like crazy, the plants are coming to life, and it is warm enough to have a cup of tea on the terrace. In a mug no less. Shhhh don't tell G.
Today I will be picking up some non-glass storage containers for my teabags.
Cooking teacher advice: Throw out our glass storage containers (what???) because the glass allows in light which in turn oxidises the contents, shortening their lifespan quickly...caveat -this really only applies to things which have a shortish lifespan and that you don't want to keep stored away at the back of a cupboard in the dark, ie cooking oil, teabags... She advises storing these things in metal containers.
We fixed the cooking oil problem -we hated having to fish out the large metal container everytime we cooked- by getting this great oil pourer. The extra virgin olive oil which we use almost everyday for some cooking but mainly dressings, lives in a pretty glass container -it's used frequently enough that the contents don't have time to oxidise...basically, go bad.
Hasta luego...