what to do when you get overexcited and throw far too much salt into the dish you're cooking? before you throw in water, sugar, the F word, or a big wad of kitchen paper, try this first:
i am told that putting a peeled potato into the pan will suck out excess salt and salvage what you were cooking... of course this only works if you've oversalted a sauce or something relatively liquid.
some tips about salt from my cooking teacher:
salt is salt is salt at the end of the day. whether you buy the fancy red/pink/black designer salts or the regular morton's iodized salt, when it's dissolved in a glass of water, it all tastes the same.
oh. i'm glad i spent a small fortune on that pink peruvian/himalayan/blessed by buddah rock salt then.
minus 5 points: morton's iodized salt - for salting pasta water, not for cooking/seasoning. iodized salt is much much saltier in smaller doses. be careful!!
plus 5 points: morton's kosher salt - used by chefs as it's flat (easier to pinch) and un-iodized. use for everything.
ps: rock salt is great for using in a salt mill and adding to a finished dish or salad. not so effective in cooking though, unless you grind it first.