An assortment of food, painting, baking, eating, drawing, a few cats, a puppy and a baby thrown in there too.
no cooking or baking or gardening or painting for me. no unnecessary use of foot for the next 2 days at least. [please define unnecessary] the foot is healing as it should, newly bandaged and checked out by the surgeon this afternoon. sadly they didn't have the shoe boot in another colour but they did give me a new one in my size this time -basically a bigger version of the ugliest shoe in existence. happily i have the television remote control at hand and the sitting room is flooded with sunlight. i have endless resources at my fingertips for new recipes and inspiration, thank you internet. the cats are keeping me company, throwing mice (stuffed) at my feet and chatting away to me. i am surrounded by beautiful things. all in all, life is good.