last night we, the brangelina of mount pleasant, had a new visitor. not another cat this time. it was a possum. the american possum does not resemble the tv version that we brits grew up seeing. it is not small, ringtailed, big-eyed and stuck up a tree. it is in fact, the size of a cat, with long claws, and a long disgusting pole-rod tail. in its defence, it does have a cute little face. however, when it walks, it almost glides. eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww freaky.
last night's visitor made himself at home on the terrace outside the kitchen, drinking John's water, licking his food bowl, and even lying in his bed. SHAMELESS! where was John? lying on the terrace right next to him, not paying him the slightest bit of attention. nice guard-cat. great.
dear John, from this evening on you will no longer get supper as it attracts freaky looking creatures who lie in your bed and give us the paddington bear hard stare through the kitchen door. you will get an extra large breakfast though.