an adaptation of
Troisgros iced tea...
D is currently enroute to morocco (so unfair) and i decided to try out her Troisgros iced tea recipe.
having only some of the ingredients in the kitchen, i have made an adaptation of the authentic recipe. in other words i am winging it rather wildly.
here is the "adaptation", ahem:
1 litre of earl grey tea. i used 3 teabags of uk bought tea which is stronger than most bagged tea i've ever had. very fragrant - possibly too much for most people.
i added 100ml of sugar - i read the recipe stating ml rather than mg, so i measured milliletres which i know is wrong as it's not a liquid. whatever, this is an adaptation after all right?
having no cinnamon sticks or star of anise, i have improvised using a pinch of all-spice. it contains anise and cinnamon (also cloves and fennel but i figured what the heck, in for a penny in for a pound).
i did have fresh ginger. phew. i grated what i imagine might be 12g of it - a teaspoon sized measure. that could be 1g or 55g i have absolutely no idea...zut alors.
anyway, said tea is quietly cooling down and i will refrigerate it until tonight when i will add the juice of one lime.
[with apologies to D...]